Coaching is always about YOU.

As a Coach, I bring  honesty, integrity and commitment. I will ask pertinent questions that will help you come up with answers that are right for you and your business. I work on the entrepreneur’s internal operating system. my processes will help you discover your thoughts, beliefs, emotions, principles, values and then craft a tried and tested success path for you. 


my a.s.e methodology for your success



Discovering what drives you



Defining Action Path



Unleashing the Power in You

Formula To Create Wealth, Maximize Profit, Invite Abundance

Benefits of Working with me

Gain clarity on your goals both in business and in life

Manage stress and create a peaceful environment for yourself, inspite of difficult cicumstances

Enhanced productivity and efficient time management

Create winning habits that will move you forward in life and eliminate unproductive habits

Reduce conflict at home and work, in professional as well as personal relationships

Overcome procrastination and learn self - motivation with greater focus

What you will achieve through Entrepreneur Coaching

An individual’s success depends on his inner world – his emotions and beliefs –  and also on the world outside.
A strong entrepreneurial mindset is needed to overcome inner fears. It is easy to move away from your path based on what others say. The same can also happen if you give in to inner fears. However, it is important to have a solid plan, have conviction in it, and go ahead with confidence, even if there are initial bottle-necks. Don’t give up! It’s so much easier to do well in your business, if you do meaningful work that you love. Take daily baby steps towards your goal, and before you realise it, there will be tangible results.

Don’t just grow your business, but leave a legacy.

What you will achieve through Life Coaching
With me

Do you want to be able to express yourself better? Do you want to overcome procrastination and develop productive habits. Are you looking for ways to be more relaxed and less stressed? Do you want to improve your relationships with your spouse, family members or colleagues? Are you looking for clarity in terms of the next steps in your career? Are you looking for ways to enjoy the work you currently do? Are you looking for enhanced productivity and efficiency? Are you considering leaving your work and entering the world of entrepreneurship? Are you looking for a life of freedom, abundance, purpose, and meaning, that inspires others?

 If your answer to these is yes, I am here to help you:


Kamalini has been a fantastic life coach and her course has given me so many a-ha moments. I thought I was pretty self-aware but working with her has really opened my eyes to things I did not know were barriers or goals in my life and essential for my growth and happiness. I particularly found the lesson figuring out baseline values most effective, and the power leaps session to start to achieve the goals I have set for myself. She’s a natural leader and motivator, and I could not recommend her more highly for anyone looking to improve their life/biz/outlook.

Auditi Guha

Program director and researcher at Psych Expertise, LLC​


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